How to clean timber flooring

Arc floors timber floors aren’t just authentic and stylish; they’re also low-maintenance, thanks to their prefinished protection layer. Simply follow our expert’s advice and you’ll be out of the woods for years to come!

Keep your wood floor in shape for years to come

Cleaning regularly

Arc floors timber floors have a sophisticated structure that makes them extremely durable. But even so, it’s always a good idea to touch wood… preferably with a microfiber cloth or a vacuum cleaner.

Check the humidity

The right humidity plays a crucial part in your floor’s lifespan. Warm, humid air can make the wood planks expand, while cold, dry air can make them shrink. Between 40 to 60% is the ideal humidity level. Check your indoor hygrometer regularly, and place a humidifier, air scrubber or dehumidifier if need be. Or even better: make room for some oxygen-releasing, air-moistening and -purifying houseplants! Good for your floor, and your health!