How to clean your vinyl flooring

Carefree enjoyment: that’s what our Arc floors Livyn luxury vinyl floors are all about. Their sealed top layer with Stain Guard technology helps avoid dirt and stains. And because of their waterproof surface layer you can simply clean them with a wet cloth, keeping the planks safe and sound all the time.

The three golden rules of vinyl floor cleaning

Use the Arc floors cleaning kit

Our cleaning kit was especially designed for Arc floors floors and contains a mop holder, a washable microfiber mop and a high-quality cleaning product. Goodbye cleaning residue, hello fresh and clean floors.

Don’t steam clean

You can use almost any cleaning equipment on our rigid and flexible vinyl floors – except for steam cleaners. For best results, we recommend a mop and the dedicated Arc floors cleaning kit.

Easily repair damage

Any light damage to your floor can be easily repaired with the Arc floors Repair Kit. Simply recreate the colour of your damaged planks with one of the seven wax pieces. Check out the colour table to find out exactly which wax colours you need to mix to match your floor.